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Table 1 Summary of CoP impact at member, facility and organisation level

From: Evaluating the impact of a falls prevention community of practice in a residential aged care setting: a realist approach

Impact at member level

Impact at facility level

Impact at organisation level

Increased falls prevention knowledge

Annual evidenced-based falls prevention activity audit with intermittent spot checks

Falls policy (re-written and implemented)

Increased self-reported confidence and motivation to engage in falls prevention actions

Increased proportion of residents supplemented with vitamin D at all sites

Standardised fall definition adopted

Increased connections and collaborations with interdisciplinary CoP members

Falls prevention CoP listed as agenda item at facility staff meetings

New falls risk assessment tool placed in online assessment system


Falls prevention committee formed

Aligned falls prevention management plan (developed and implemented)


Falls prevention checklists for individual residents at highest risk of falling (“catch a falling star” program)

CoP newsletter (developed and implemented) 4 editions published


Surveyed frontline care staff and residents to determine falls prevention education needs and preferences

Falls prevention CoP listed as agenda item at RAC Board Committee meetings


Surveyed care managers to determine their perception of CoP impact at their site


Falls prevention poster checklist for staff and residents


Screening for safer resident footwear, clothing and lighting (night time sensor lights)