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Table 1 Questionnaire items

From: Factors associated with medication amounts considered excessive among university students: a questionnaire survey of pharmacy students and those in non-medical schools

Demographic characteristics




 University (Pharmacy, Non-medical schools)


 Presence of roommates


 Allergy history


 History of major illness


Items pertaining to medication/supplements


 History of side effects


 Routine usage of prescription medicine


 Routine usage of over-the-counter drugs


 Routine usage of supplements


Emotional response to medication


 Trust medication


 Impression that medication is dangerous


 Feel disgust about taking medication


Experience with, response to, and recognition of medication


 Take medicine instantly upon becoming ill


 Experience with taking “too many” medications


 Experience with family members/close acquaintances who take “too many” medications


 Reacts if a doctor prescribes “too many” medications


 Reacts if a doctor prescribes “too many” medications


 Understanding of drug efficacy


 Compliance with medication