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Table 2 Activities of the Capacity Building Service and workshop learning objectives

From: Sustainability in Health care by Allocating Resources Effectively (SHARE) 7: supporting staff in evidence-based decision-making, implementation and evaluation in a local healthcare setting

Training workshops


Interactive workshops to improve knowledge and skills


 ▪ Evidence-based change process (½ day)


  – To understand the steps in developing, implementing and evaluating a change process


  – To apply the principles of evidence based practice to each step


  – To outline methods of collecting the information required to develop, implement and evaluate your project using this framework


  – To learn and share practical hints and tips for successful evidence-based change


 ▪ Evidence-based practice (4 x ½ day)


  – To understand PICO elements and develop a searchable question


  – To learn the best research design to answer specific questions


  – To learn methods for searching health databases and undertake your own searches


  – To understand the role of chance, bias and confounding


  – To learn methods for critical appraisal and undertake appraisal exercises


 ▪ Introduction to implementation (½ day)


  – To understand the principles of evidence-based implementation


  – To learn methods for identifying barriers and enablers and developing implementation strategies


  – To learn and share practical hints and tips for successful evidence-based implementation


  – To design an implementation plan for your project


 ▪ Introduction to evaluation (½ day)


  – To understand evaluation: What? Why? When?


  – To understand evaluation frameworks and plans and data collection methods and sources


  − To consider the role of ethics in evaluation


  − To understand Program Logic Models


 ▪ Using evidence in decision-making (1½ hours)


  – To consider the deliberation process and the role of decision-making criteria


  – To discuss the principles of evidence-based decision-making (EBDM)


  – To understand the implications of research design, level of evidence, quality, applicability, lack of evidence


  – To apply the learnings in worked examples


  – To be introduced to resources and services that support EBDM


Problem solving/support sessions


Rotating 4 weekly series of open workshops to provide ongoing support to workshop participants undertaking projects.


 ▪ Week 1: Finding and appraising evidence and interpreting results


 ▪ Week 2: Planning and implementing projects


 ▪ Week 3: Evaluating programs and projects


 ▪ Week 4: Developing guidelines and protocols


Online resources/teaching (to be sourced or developed)


 ▪ Electronic workbook


 ▪ PowerPoint presentation/s


 ▪ Self-assessment quizzes