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Table 1 Case selection: inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Collaborative leadership and the implementation of community-based fall prevention initiatives: a multiple case study of public health practice within community groups




Inclusion criteria

Public health role

Informal or formal leadership

Have potential to provide clear findings on public health’s collaborative leadership practices

Group membership

Diversity, specifically groups with healthcare professionals and others

Have potential to give context; to what extent is the potential of falls as everyone’s business realized

Initiative achieved

An initiative can be a policy, program, event or service that fits within the scope of the WHO Fall Prevention Model

Initiative may not be formally described as “falls prevention”; rather, it may be called Healthy Aging or Wellness, for example.

Exclusion criteria

Initiative stalled or completed pre-2012

Seek groups that are actively planning, implementing or making improvements to their fall prevention initiative

The potential for accurate recall is strengthened

High membership turnover

Seek interview respondents and focus group members who can answer questions in depth

Case studies are looking for depth