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Table 3 Resources used for the economic evaluation

From: Impacts of a navigation program based on health information technology for patients receiving oral anticancer therapy: the CAPRI randomized controlled trial

Resources used


Value units

Medical resources


- Number and length of unplanned hospitalizations (by service department – specify which hospital)

- Number and length of planned hospitalizations (by department service – specify which hospital)

- Number of unplanned consultations in oncology

- Number of planned consultations in oncology

-Number of cancelled consultations (by service department – specify which hospital)

- Number of consultations in supportive care (by type of supportive care service)

-Reduction of supportive care treatment

Stay cost

Stay cost

Consultation tariff

Consultation tariff

Consultation tariff

Consultation tariff

Medication price


-Number of GP consultations

-Number of visits by private nurses

-Number of consultations with other paramedical professionals

Consultation tariff

Visit tariff

Consultation tariff

Non-medical resources


- Number of home-to-hospital journeys made (by transport type)

Travel cost

Professional care

-Hours of professional care (by task performed)

Hourly tariff

Informal care

-Hours of informal care

Hourly wage rate



-Nurse Navigators training

-Nurse Navigators wage

-Web portal design and implementation

-Office equipment (computer, phone, desk)

Hourly wage

Hourly wage

Web portal invoice + monitoring package

Equipment price