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Table 1 Tracer items for general service readiness

From: Access to primary health care for acute vascular events in rural low income settings: a mixed methods study


Tracer Items

Basic amenities and equipment

Amenities: electric power; improved water source within 500 m of facility; room with auditory and visual privacy for patient consultations; adequate sanitation facilities for clients; communication equipment (phone or short wave radio); computer with email/internet access; emergency transportation.

Equipment: weighing scales (child, adult); thermometer; light source; refrigerator.

Standard precautions

Safe final disposal of sharps, safe final disposal of infectious wastes; appropriate storage of sharps, appropriate storage of infectious waste; disinfectant; single-use standard disposable or autodisposable syringes; soap and running water or alcohol-based; hand rub; latex gloves; guidelines

Laboratory testing capacity

Blood haemoglobin; blood glucose; blood smear or rapid test for malaria parasites; a urine dipstick protein; urine dipstick glucose; HIV antibody test; syphilis rapid test; urine pregnancy test

Essential medicines

Availability of Essential drugs supplied by government