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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the participants in the TEAMcare for COPD pilot trial

From: Implementation challenges in delivering team-based care (‘TEAMcare’) for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a public hospital setting: a mixed methods approach


N = 12

Mean age (years)

64 (11)

Gender (female)

9/12 (75 %)

Education level (High school or less)

8/12 (67 %)

Smoking status

 Current smoker

2/12 (17 %)

 Former smoker

8/12 (67 %)

Moderate-Vigorous exercise (hours/week)a

2.5 (1.9)

Fruit serves/day (≥2)

6/12 (50 %)

Vegetable serves/day (≥4)

4/12 (33 %)

Unintentional weight loss (≥5 kg past 6 months)

2/12 (17 %)

Overweight (BMI 25–29.9)

3/12 (25 %)

Obese (BMI ≥30)

7/12 (58 %)

High waist circumference (≥102 cm men, ≥88 cm women)

9/12 (75 %)

High blood pressure (≥130/80 mmHg)

7/12 (58 %)

Mean FEV1% (SD)

58 (16)

Mean FVC% (SD)

90 (20)

Mean FEV1/FVC (SD)

0.53 (0.13)

Mean SpOb%

97 (1.7)

Inhaled medications


7/12 (58 %)


9/12 (92 %)


9/12 (92 %)


1/12 (8 %)

Cardiovascular medications

7/12 (58 %)

Diabetes medications

2/12 (17 %)

Other medications

7/12 (17 %)

Impairment (CAT score ≥10)

8/12 (67 %)

Breathlessness (mMRC score Grade ≥2)

4/12 (33 %)

Clinically relevant depression (PHQ-9 score ≥10)

1/12 (8 %)

Clinically relevant anxiety (GAD-7 score ≥10)

2/12 (17 %)

Clinically relevant somatic symptoms (PHQ-15 score ≥10)

3/12 (25 %)

Blood tests

 White cell count (x 10^9/L)b

9.0 (4.7)

 C-Reactive Protein (mg/L)b

8.5 (4.8)

 25-hydroxyvitamin D (<60 nmol/L)

7/8 (88 %)

  1. Legend: BMI body mass index, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second, FVC forced vital capacity, SpO 2 oxygen saturation estimate, LAMA long-acting antimuscarinic agent, LABA long-acting beta agonist, ICS inhaled corticosteroid, CAT COPD assessment test, mMRC modified Medical Research Council, PHQ patient health questionnaire, GAD general anxiety disorder
  2. a missing one observation; b missing four observations