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Table 4 Ordered probit regression analysis on the satisfaction of health care users with the quality of and access to health care services used during the preceding 12 months

From: Overall satisfaction of health care users with the quality of and access to health care services: a cross-sectional study in six Central and Eastern European countries

Data collection year: 2010

Outpatient physician services

Inpatient hospital services


Quality satisfaction

Access satisfaction

Quality satisfaction

Access satisfaction


[0 - No, 1 - Somewhat, 2 - Yes]


Coefficient (S.E.)

Coefficient (S.E.)

Coefficient (S.E.)

Coefficient (S.E.)

Paid informally for the service [0-No; 1-Yes]]

−.635* (.082)

−.591* (.081)

−.373* (.143)

−.384* (.143)

Was necessary to borrow [0-No; 1-Yes]

−.706* (.138)

−.489* (.136)

−.478* (.183)

−.538* (.182)

Medical equipment – indicator on quality importance [from 1 – the most important to 7]

.041** (.023)


−.025 (.047)


Reputation and skills – indicator on quality importance [from 1 – the most important to 7]

−.038 (.026)


−.037 (.052)


Condition of the facility - – indicator on quality importance [from 1 – the most important to 7]

−.048* (0.22)


−.025 (.045)


Attitude of the staff – indicator on access importance [from 1 – the most important to 7]


−.030 (.021)


−.110* (.045)

Travel time - indicator on access importance [from 1 – the most important to 7]


.068* (.020)


−.006 (.047)

Waiting time - indicator on access importance [from 1 – the most important to 7]


.107* (.020)


.087* (.043)

Bulgaria [0-No; 1-Yes]

−.654* (.112)

−.194** (.109)

−.510* (.251)

−.359 (.244)

Hungary [0-No; 1-Yes]

.625* (.115)

.740* (.111)

.370 (.238)

.296 (.238)

Poland [0-No; 1-Yes]

−.341* (.114)

−.508* (.110)

−.752* (.251)

−1.081* (.249)

Romania [0-No; 1-Yes]

.207** (.137)

−.580* (.115)

−.394** (.239)

−.252 (.229)

Ukraine [0-No; 1-Yes]

−.472* (.122)

−.172 (.121)

−.598* (.234)

−.451** (.237)

Age [Years]

.007* (.002)

.003 (.002)

.013* (.004)

.011* (.005)

Gender [0 - Male; 1 - Female]

.018 (.066)

.013 (.065)

−.122 (.129)

−.197 (.131)

Residence place [0 – Town or city; 1-Village]

.112 (.072)

.022 (.071)

.128 (.139)

−.079 (.140)

Level of education [From 0 - Uncompleted primary education to 5 - Tertiary education]

−.064* (.032)

−.055** (.032)

−.004 (.064)

−.042 (.065)

Major health problems confirmed by a physician [0 - No; 1 - Yes]

−.191* (.075)

−.116 (.074)

−.282* (.160)

−.212 (.162)

Number of people in the household [Number]

−.029 (.029)

−.039 (.029)

−.016 (.058)

.034 (.059)

Net average household income per month [18 categories, from the lowest to the highest]

−.020** (.012)

−.008 (.012)

−.015 (.025)

−.005 (.025)

Treshold = 0

−2.865* (.264)

−1.570* (.281)

−2.762* (.550)

−2.492* (.610)

Treshold = 1

−.810* (.259)

.223 (.280)

−.651 (.541)

−.497 (.603)

Number of observations





Nagelkerke R Square





  1. *p < 0.05; **p ≤ 0.10
  2. Are you overall satisfied with the QUALITY of physician services that you used during the last 12 months - yes, no, somewhat?
  3. Are you overall satisfied with the ACCESS to physician services that you used during the last 12 months - yes, no, somewhat?