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Table 2 COREQ 32 items cheklist

From: Searching for best practices of youth friendly services - a study protocol using qualitative comparative analysis in Sweden

Domain 1: research team and reflexivity

1 Interviewer/facilitator

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The first author and two research assistants with expertise on qualitative methods will conduct the interviews and focus groups discussions. The first author has extensive experience conducting individual interviews and focus group discussions and will closely supervise the two research assistants together with the rest of the team.

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All potential participants will be provided information about the study and the interviewer(s)/moderator before starting the interview/focus group discussion.

2 Credentials

3 Occupation

4 Gender

5 Experience and training

6 Relationship established

7 Participant knowledge of the interviewer

8 Interviewer characteristics

Domain 2: study design

9 Methodological orientation and theory

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Interviews and focus group discussions will be audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed using thematic analysis inspired by the WHO domains of youth-friendliness [45].

10 Sampling

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In order to refine this preliminary list of conditions locally, we will conduct interviews with professionals working in youth clinics in northern Sweden. We will conduct individual interviews with around 15 professionals from different professional backgrounds, working in different YCs – in terms of i.e., size, location, and focus. In addition, and in order to gather the perspective of young people, we will conduct focus group discussions with young people who have attended YCs. Around 6 focus group discussions will be conducted. […] Health care professionals will be invited to participate via email after a first contact with the head of the clinic. Young people will be approached through the clinic staff as well as through youth organizations (i.e., rfsu). All potential participants will be provided information about the study and the interviewer(s)/moderator before starting the interview/focus group discussion.

The final sample size of the individual interviews with professionals and focus group discussions with young people might vary and will be finally determined once saturation is reached.

11 Method of approach

12 Sample size

13 Non-participation

Will be reported once data is collected and analyzed.

14 Setting of data collection

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Participants will choose the location for the individual interviews. The focus group discussions will be conducted at the university.

15 Presence of non-participants

We expect that nobody else will be present, but in case non-participants are present, this will be reported.

16 Description of sample

Demographic data will be collected in order to describe the sample (age, gender, years working, professional background, level of studies, ethnic background).

17 Interview guide

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The interviews and focus group discussions guides will be structured in a thematic manner, inspired by the WHO domains of youth friendliness [3]. Participants will be asked to reflect on the issues that they consider important in order to ensure that strategies are put in place to deal with challenges to these domains.

18 Repeat interviews

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Participants will be asked whether they could be contacted again if needed.

If repeat interviews are conducted, this will be reported.

19 Audio/visual recording

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Interviews and focus group discussions will be audio recorded,

20 Field notes

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Notes will be taken during and after the interview and during the analysis process.

21 Duration

The duration of the interviews will be stated.

22 Data saturation

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The final sample size of the individual interviews with professionals and focus group discussions with young people might vary and will be finally determined once saturation is reached.

23 Transcripts returned

We do not plan to return the transcripts to the participants unless something is unclear.

Domain 3: analysis and findings

24 Number of data coders

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The first author and the two research assistants will be involved in the coding process and negotiate the codes between them. The software Open Code 3.4 will be used to help managing the coding process. Even if the WHO domains will be used as a starting point, we will remain open to new emerging themes. The derived themes will be further discussed with the entire research team. Preliminary findings will be presented to some of the participants for feedback.

25 Description of the coding tree

26 Derivation of themes

27 Software

28 Participant checking

29 Quotations presented

Will be reported once data is collected and analyzed.

30 Data and findings consistent

31 Clarity of major themes

32 Clarity of minor themes