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Table 1 Baseline socio-demographic variables for patients included at baseline (202) and those reached at follow-up (123) [N (%) or mean (SD)]

From: Improved drug-use patterns at 6 months post-discharge from inpatient substance use disorder treatment: results from compulsorily and voluntarily admitted patients


All patients, N = 202

Follow-up sample, N = 123

Mean age, years

30.0 (8.9)

30.4 (9.8)


68 (34)

47 (39)

Education, years

10.8 (1.9)

10.8 (2.1)a

Relationship status, singleb

136 (69)

84 (68)c

Main diagnosis

 Alcohol use disorder (AUD) or AUD with co- occurring drug use disorders

34 (17)

20 (16)

 Drug use disorder

168 (83)

103 (84)

Severity scores

 Injection used

105 (54)

71 (60)e

 Duration of most problematic substance use, years

11.1 (7.6)

11.6 (7.6)f

 Suicidal attempts – lifetime prevalenceg

94 (49)

60 (51)h

Treatment variables

 Time in treatment, days

57 (26)

58 (26)

Compulsorily admitted

65 (32)

51 (42)

  1. a N = 117 ;b N = 198; c N = 121; d N = 195; e N = 119; f N = 117; g N = 191; h N = 117