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Table 7 Results of the multivariate regression analysis of the impact of physician dispensing (PD) on total health care expenditures

From: Physician drug dispensing in Switzerland: association on health care expenditures and utilization


Glm, log link gamma family


0.989 (0.008)


1.005 (0)***

Gender = m

0.977 (0.007)**


0.953 (0.012)***

Telemedicine contract

0.996 (0.011)

HMO contract

0.965 (0.008)***

High deductible

0.87 (0.008)***

Nursing home stay

3.126 (0.069)***

Outpatient hospital visits 1-5

1.783 (0.016)***

Outpatient hospital visits >5

2.427 (0.048)***

Inpatient stay in hospital

4.003 (0.058)***

Cost in past year (log)

1.117 (0.002)***

Prescriptions psychiatrists

2.252 (0.054)***

Prescriptions cardio-/angiologists

1.614 (0.109)***

Prescriptions gynaeologists

1.488 (0.026)***

Prescriptions other specialists

1.78 (0.019)***

Agricultural municipalities

1.03 (0.268)

Affluent municipalities

1.074 (0.041)

Industrial and tertiary municipalities

0.977 (0.042)

Rural commuting municipalities

1.004 (0.044)

Periurban municipalities

1.025 (0.039)

Suburban municipalities

1.022 (0.038)

Touristic municipalities

0.946 (0.088)

Urban centers

1.079 (0.04)*

22 pharmaceutical cost groups

all coefficients strongly positive

  1. Target variable per patient, first 6 months of year 2013. Exponential of coefficients [exp(̂β)] displayed
  2. Standard errors calculated by the delta method [ŝ exp(β) = exp(β)  ŝβ], displayed in parentheses
  3. Significance levels: ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05
  4. Source: Claims data from Helsana insurance company, own calculations