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Table 2 Descriptive information on case managers, and their clients and organisations

From: How do case managers spend time on their functions and activities?


n (%)

Mean (range)


Case manager information


1. Age



42 (27.3)



98 (63.6)


 Over 60

14 (9.1)


2. Female gender

134 (87.0)


3. Case managers (versus lead case managers)

130 (84.8)


4. Australian born (versus born overseas)

110 (71.4)


5. Professional backgrounds



45 (29.2)


 Social work

38 (24.7)


 Allied health

47 (30.5)



24 (15.6)


6. Qualifications



59 (38.3)



79 (51.3)



16 (10.4)


7. Practice locations


 Rural place

39 (25.3)



73 (47.5)



21 (13.6)


 Multiple regions

21 (13.6)


8. Full-time (versus casual/part-time) workers

94 (61.4)


9. Level of authority over budget management


 No to partial

99 (65.6)



52 (34.4)


10. Level of involvement in organisational decision-making


 No to medium

119 (81.0)



28 (19.0)


11. Years working as a case manager


6.4 (0.2–30)


12. Caseload: number of community aged care (CACP, EACH and EACHD) and other community care clients


21 (3–45)


13. Caseload types


 Only one type

37 (24.8)


 More than one type

112 (75.2)


14. Number of community aged care clients


18 (3–40)


15. Emphasis on achieving the number of goals


4.9 (1–7)


Organisational information


1. Organisational size (measured by the number of community aged care packages provided)


414 (10–1298)


2. Private not-for-profit (versus government-owned) organisations

116 (75.3)


Client information


1. Born in Australia (%)


57.2 % (0–100 %)

30.6 %

2. Living with dementia (%)


21.6 % (0–92.6 %)

16.3 %

3. Living alone (%)


47.8 % (0–100 %)

22.6 %

4. Having carers (%)


50.2 % (0–100 %)

28.5 %

5. Having high care needs (%)


34.3 % (0–100 %)

24.4 %

6. Level of involvement in case management processes


 No to mild

29 (19.6)



53 (35.8)



66 (44.6)

  1. Note: 1. The sample size was not 154 for some variables due to missing data