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Table 3 Methods used to evaluate experiences of engagement by SUPERS and MSUs

From: Using Participatory Learning & Action research to access and engage with ‘hard to reach’ migrants in primary healthcare research

SUPERs’ experiences of engagement in:

- capacity-building

- PLA training

- PLA research design and planning

- facilitation of PLA fieldwork

- project team co-analysis

- dissemination

MSUs’ experiences of engagement:

- attendance at fieldwork session

- active participation during fieldwork

- co-analysis during fieldwork

- retention to end of research cycle

evaluated via:

evaluated via:

- SUPERs’ post-training participatory evaluations (PE)

- PLA trainer’s post-training reflection/debriefing notes (Tr R/D)

- SUPERs’ post-fieldwork debriefing interviews (FDB)

- Fieldwork photographs (Ph)

- PLA trainers’ post-fieldwork reflection/debriefing notes (Tr R/D)

- SUPERs’ project team analysis sessions (PTAN)

- SUPERs’ conference presentation data (CP)

- MSUs’ participatory evaluations (PE)

- MSUs’ quantitative (Likert-type) rating scales (RS)

- MSUs’ qualitative comments (QC)

- Fieldwork photographs (Ph)

- MSUs’ charts, maps, data-displays (CH)

- SUPERs’ post-fieldwork debriefing interviews (FDB)