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Table 2 Comparison of high and low capacity local health departments (LHDs) by A-EBP domain

From: Implementing administrative evidence based practices: lessons from the field in six local health departments across the United States





Workforce development



- Budget line item for continuing education

- No financial support to go to trainings

- Recognize the need for trainings

- Try to send staff to all state and some national conferences

- Very few if any attended

- More are needed

- Use time during all staff meetings to conduct trainings

- Potential areas of focus: accreditation, webinars (as opposed to in-person training), specific topic-related conferences



Skills & background of leadersa

- Physician/MPH/PhD

- Masters in Management


- Bachelors in SW, MSW, completing MPH

- Bachelors in nursing, certificate of grad study in fundamentals of public health

- Bach in science and education

Values & expectations of leaders

- 100 % supportive of use of EBPs

- Directors mostly supportive of EBPs

- Supportive of EBPs

- Expect LHD to grow and change including use of EBPs

- Not all upper management were supportive of EBPs

- Know EBPs should be used

- Feel it is their job to provide direction and training for their staff in EBPs

- Poor communication of EBPs and expectations

- Want to provide quality service for the clients

Participatory decision-making

- Decisions often made by consensus

- State makes many decisions

- Subject matter experts at the LHD consulted

- Ideas come up from staff to management and tested

- Decisions mostly made by upper level management team

- State and regional HDs give directives

- All staff meetings once a month to gather and distribute ideas

- Director makes decisions after evaluating staff ability and capacity for programs

- Involve community members and stakeholders

Organizational climate & culture


Access and free flow of information

- University libraries

- Very little access to online or paper journals

- Internet access

- Attendance at conferences, in-person and online trainings

- Information from state office

- Some academic journal subscriptions through LHD

- National Association of County and City Health Officials

Support of innovation & new methods

- Supports and encourages new ideas

- Many people in the LHD are adverse to change

- Would like staff to be open to change more

- Uses QI to explore things that can be changed to improve LHD

- No flexibility to try anything new because many priorities are mandated by the state

- Hires employees that are willing to change with the LHD

- New ideas are not well-received

- “Global” instead of “Silo” approach to programs

Learning orientation

- Send staff to conferences and/or conduct trainings at the LHD show support of learning

- Do not necessarily emphasize collaboration, especially multidisciplinary

- Would like to send staff to more trainings and conferences but can’t due to lack of budget

- Many staff go back for MPH while working

- More multidisciplinary collaboration within the LHD

Relationships & partnerships


Interorganizational relationships

- Some sharing of funding between partners including grants from the community

- Funding is only shared within the department

- Feel partners are essential to work of the health department

- Share facilities

- Looking to community assessment to bring LHD and community partners closer

- Share staff time and resources with partners

- Community partners have been involved in trainings

Vision and mission of partnerships

- Seems collaborative

- Many partnerships seems to be one working for the other instead of collaborative

- Come together for the good of the citizens



Allocation and expenditure of resources

- State department provides funds to the LHD to prepare for accreditation

- No funding that is not already earmarked for specific programs

- Lack of finances is major roadblock to implementing EBPs and EBDM Process

- Line item in the budget for trainings and conferences

- Positions have been cut due to budget cuts

- Lack of funding to pay high salaries can lead to hiring of staff that has less experience and/or less education

- Several staff felt their LHD has the financial stability needed

- Financial situation makes even mandated programs difficult to implement

  1. aSelf-reported by LHD leaders