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Table 1 Key descriptive information about respondents to the survey

From: Attitudes towards the use and acceptance of eHealth technologies: a case study of older adults living with chronic pain and implications for rural healthcare

Independent variables

Description of attributes of survey respondent


36.5% (n = 61) were male and 63.5% (n = 106) were female


Range = 25 to 86 years; mean = 60 years; median = 61 years

Number in household

33.3% (n = 56) were single person households; 46.4% (n = 78) were two person households; 21.3 (n = 31) lived in households with at two or more other people.

Urban or Rural

16.2% (n = 27) of the sample were rural respondents

Marital/Civil Status

Married (52.4%, n = 88); Single - never married (16.7%, n = 28); Separated/Divorced/Widowed (25%, n = 42)


O-level or equivalent (20.6%, n = 29); Degree (14.9%, n = 21)


Full time employment (19.5%, n = 16); Retired (55.4%, n = 93)