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Table 5 Factor structure of iMatter with loadings > .4

From: IMatter: validation of the NHS Scotland Employee Engagement Index

Rotated component matrixa








I am clear what my duties and responsibilities are




I get the information I need to do my job well




I am given the time and resources to support my learning and growth



I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to



I am confident my ideas and suggestions are acted upon



I feel involved in decisions relating to my job



I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual





I am treated fairly and consistently





I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work



I feel appreciated for the work I do



My work gives me a sense of achievement




I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and wellbeing




My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable




I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager




I am confident performance is managed well within my team




My team work well together



I would recommend my team as a good one to be part of



I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation




I feel my organisation cares about my haealth and wellbeing




I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation




I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation




I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation




I get the help and support from other teams’ within the organisation to do my job




I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work




I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation



  1. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
  2. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
  3. aRotation converged in 12 iterations.