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Table 1 Descriptions of models of care

From: Relational coordination amongst health professionals involved in insulin initiation for people with type 2 diabetes in general practice: an exploratory survey

Model of care


General practice based care

Initiation and management of insulin by a GP +/- the assistance of a practice nurse

GP with a special interest in diabetes

GP that provides a clinical service beyond the scope of conventional general practice and can receive referrals from other GPs

Diabetes nurse educator (DNE)

Referral to a DNE to initiate and manage insulin in conjunction with a GP

Specialist shared care

Referral to a specialist (general physician or endocrinologist +/- DNE) for a one off consultation and provision of a management plan so that the GP can manage insulin

Specialist outreach

Referral to a specialist (general physician or endocrinologist +/- DNE) who conducts sessions within a general practice clinic

Specialist routine care

Referral to a specialist (general physician or endocrinologist +/- DNE) to take on primary responsibility of insulin initiation and ongoing management