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Table 2 aims and tasks of LEIF and SCEN

From: Establishing specialized health services for professional consultation in euthanasia: experiences in the Netherlands and Belgium





* Provide information and support about euthanasia to

physicians, patients and the wider public*

* Provide information and support about euthanasia to

physicians, †

* Provide consultation to physicians in euthanasia

requests †


* Provide consultation to physicians in euthanasia requests *

* Provide consultation to physicians in other end-of-life decisions*


Based on the law, when doing a consultation in a euthanasia request, the LEIF physicians has to ‡:

* read the medical file

* examine the patient

* ascertain that the physical or psychological suffering is persistent and unbearable and cannot be relieved

* make a written report of the findings

Based on the law, when doing a consultation in a euthanasia request, the SCEN physician has to §

* see the patient

* be convinced that the request is voluntary and well-considered

* be convinced that the suffering is hopeless and unbearable

* inform the patient about his/her situation and prospects

* be convinced that there is no reasonable other solution

* make a written report on their judgment of the due care criteria

  1. * Source: interview with the director and training moderator of LEIF
  2. † source:
  3. ‡ Source: Law concerning euthanasia May 28 Wet betreffende euthanasie, 28 mei 2002. Belgisch Staatsblad 2002 juni 2002 [Belgian official collection of the laws June 22 2002] 2002, 2002009590
  4. §Source: Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act April 1 Wet toetsing levensbeeindiging op verzoek en hulp bij zelfdoding 1 april, 2002.