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Table 2 Procedure for obtaining audio-recorded informed consent.

From: Securing recruitment and obtaining informed consent in minority ethnic groups in the UK

1. Individuals were given the audio-recorded patient information to take home, or were sent the audio-tape if recruited via telephone. They were also given a written copy of the patient information sheet and consent form so that, if they wished, they or other family members could read the information. The written information was available in English, Bengali and Urdu. They were subsequently telephoned in order to establish if they had any concerns or queries.

2. Individuals were invited to attend the first focus group meeting 20 minutes early so that audio-recorded informed consent could be obtained on an individual basis.

3. Researchers enquired whether the audio-recorded patient information had been listened to and answered any questions or concerns. If necessary a further opportunity to listen to the audio-recording was provided prior to taking informed consent.

4. Researchers explained how informed consent was going to be taken as an audio-recording.

5. Individuals were asked to repeat the words on the consent form (read out by the researcher point by point), and asked if they understood and agreed with each point of the consent form.

6. Individuals were asked to state their name, the date and the time of giving their consent. A copy of the audio-recorded consent was given to the participant to take away with them.