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Table 2 Details of assessments and interventions provided by services (denominator is 231 unless otherwise stated)

From: A national survey of services for the prevention and management of falls in the UK


Number (%) N = 231

Multi-factorial risk assessment

Not undertaken

3 (1%)



228 (99%)


Includes gait and balance

210 (91%)


Includes home hazards

176 (76%)


Includes medication

167 (72%)


Includes cardiovascular

160 (69%)


Includes vision

135 (58%)


Includes cognition

124 (54%)


Includes foot

123 (53%)


Includes nutrition

118 (51%)


Includes bone health

107 (46%)


Includes hearing

80 (35%)

Multi-factorial intervention

Reported using interventions

192 (83%)


linked to a multi-factorial




Knowledge/information intervention

No information provided

13 (6%)


Written information

215 (93%)


Video information

26 (11%)


Audio information

22 (10%)


Formal education program

112 (48%)

Gait and balance intervention

Exercise supervised in clinic

182 (79%)


Home exercises

104 (45%)


Referral to community class

48 (21%)

Medication intervention

Intervened (any type)

99 (43%)



61 (26%)


Onward referral

38 (16%)

Bone health Intervention

Intervened (any type)

55 (24%)



30 (13%)


Onward referral

25 (11%)

Vision Intervention

Intervened (any type)

81 (35%)


Direct action

8 (3%)


Onward referral

73 (32%)

Cardiovascular Intervention

Intervened (any type)

38 (16%)


Direct action

9 (4%)


Onward referral

29 (13%)

Home hazard Intervention

Intervened (any type)

138 (60%)


Direct action

80 (35%)


Onward referral

59 (26%)

Incontinence Intervention

Intervened (any type)

96 (42%)


Direct action

15 (6%)


Onward referral

81 (35%)

Foot health intervention

Intervened (any type)

68 (29%)



20 (9%)


Onward referral

48 (21%)

Hearing intervention

Intervention (any type)

45 (19%)


Direct action (ear wax removal)

37 (16%)


Onward referral

8 (3%)

Post-intervention follow-up

Face to face

75 (32%)



1 (< 1%)



28 (12%)



9 (4%)