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Table 3 Usefulness of project activities, as reported by physician participants*

From: Educational outreach and collaborative care enhances physician's perceived knowledge about Developmental Coordination Disorder

Evaluation of Intervention

Educational outreach and collaborative care

(N = 33).

N and % reporting positive usefulness**

Educational outreach only

(N = 54).

N and % reporting positive usefulness**

How useful has the project been in helping you learn to identify children with DCD?

33 (100%)

28 (51.9%)

How useful are the DCD screening activities in your examination?

26 (78.8%)

23 (42.6%)

How useful is administering the parent interview guide?

25 (75.8%)

22 (40.7%)

How useful has the project been in helping you diagnose children with DCD?

32 (97%)

20 (37%)

How useful has it been to share responsibility for identification and management of a child in your practice with an OT?

31 (94.0%)


  1. *Usefulness questionnaires were completed by 87/147 (59.2%) of participants
  2. **Responses to each question were scored on a scale of 1 to 7 with 1 representing 'not very useful' and 7 representing 'highly useful'. Positive was determined to be scores of 5–7.