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Table 1 Hospital use in the last three months of life (N = 319) *

From: Hospitalisations at the end of life: using a sentinel surveillance network to study hospital use and associated patient, disease and healthcare factors


N (%)

Not hospitalised


127 (39.8)

Hospitalised at least one day


192 (60.2)


Hospitalised once

155 (80.7)


Hospitalised twice

36 (18.8)


Hospitalised three times

1 (0.5)

If hospitalised in the last three months of life (N = 192):

Mean [sd] length of hospital stay in days

26.2 [23.9]

Median [interquartile range] length of hospital stay in days

19 [9 – 35]

Last hospital admission [number (%) of hospital deaths]

in last week before death:

34 (17.7) [33 (97.1)]


in second to fourth week before death:

67 (34.9) [52 (77.6)]


in second to third month before death:

91 (47.4) [53 (58.2)]

Death in hospital


[138 (71.9)]

  1. * Within this population, we observed no differences between the reported deaths occurring between April and June of 2004 and the last death before this period regarding number of hospitalisations, length nor timing of hospital stay at the end of life.