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Table 1 Examples of questions used in the cognitive interviews

From: Development of a series of patient information leaflets for constipation using a range of cognitive interview techniques: LIFELAX

From looking at the front cover – the writing and pictures, what do you think this leaflet is going to be about?

What's your understanding of the word:

Bowel, Gut, Stimulate, Motility, Intestine, Friendly bacteria, Digestive system, Lactose, Fibre, Abdomen, Senna, Emotional/psychological upset, Prebiotics, Probiotics, Dehydrating.

What do you associate with:

Being active

Fluids/soft drinks

Would you know where to find this information on a food product?

What do you understand by this sentence?

When you read this sentence what are you thinking?

How would you put this sentence in your own words?

What are you thinking while you read this?

What's this sentence telling you?

Can you explain this sentence to me?

Do you understand how to fill in the fibre/fluid/activity counters? Can you have a go at filling them in?

What will stick in your mind from this leaflet?

How easy (difficult) did you find this question to answer?