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Table 1 Stakeholder perspectives. Summary of conventional care (CC), complementary therapies (CT) and research (RES) stakeholder perspectives on facilitators, barriers and strategies for developing and implementing a model of integrative medicine (IM) in Swedish primary care.

From: Towards a model for integrative medicine in Swedish primary care

Stake- holder



Project strategies


Documented public desire for increased collaboration

Lack of knowledge and know-how

General practitioner gatekeeper with CT interest, knowledge and experience leading the clinical part


Limitations of conventional care in certain areas/cases

Primary care unit resources

General practitioner meetings with management/administration about resource allocation and logistics


Personal interest to provide more holistic primary care

No formal IM recognition in Sweden

Priority of reimbursing CT providers


Improve knowledge and evidence base of IM

Scientific evidence base

Part-time provider commitment


Improve recognition of IM

Large variation of CT terminologies and documentation routines

Ethical clearance


The Swedish Health Services Act



Increase respect for patients' treatment choices

Value added tax (25%) on CTs and no public insurance policy for CTs

CT providers with experience sharing cases with conventional providers


CT access to interdisciplinary cooperation

No official recognition of CT professions

An IM model broad enough to encompass all selected CTs/medical models


Represent different medical models within Swedish primary care

Interdisciplinary dialogue rare

Consensus case conferences to facilitate and document interdisciplinary dialogue


Extend the evidence-based medicine concept

Unfamiliarity with primary care documentation routines

Part time CT provider commitment


Improve national awareness and recognition of existing international IM practices

The Swedish Health Services Act

Include quality of life, stress and wellbeing outcomes


Improve focus on care, health promotion and Prevention



Explore stakeholder perspectives on IM in Swedish primary care

Limited evidence base for IM

Initial core group development meetings to facilitate research project


Explore patient experiences of integration of complementary therapies in primary care

Lack of published randomised clinical trials of IM in primary care

Include both qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation


Explore general clinical effectiveness of the IM model vs. treatment as usual

Difficulties to obtain research funding

Information and educational seminars to improve understanding between stakeholders and facilitate shared documentation routines


Improve the evidence base for integration of CTs into primary care

Unknown recruitment speed and recruitment pattern of patients

Continuous grant writing to secure funding


No pre-defined or given set of outcomes

Referral network of primary care units


No established referral network