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Table 6 Total hip replacement RCTs of 5 years or more duration not included in the systematic reviews [2,8,13].

From: The effectiveness of metal on metal hip resurfacing: a systematic review of the available evidence published before 2002

Study (Study Design)


Patient Characteristics

Mean duration of follow up (range)

Revision Ratebc

Hip score post-opd

Sharp (2000) [14] 2 Hospitals (UK)a (Observational study) No funding received

C-Fit uncemented with hydroxyapatite porous coating of components

N = 91 in total for both groups

Mean age: <66 years

5.2 years (1 month–8 yrs)

25/91 = 27.5%







  1. a: 1 center randomised, 1 center not randomised
  2. b: Revision rate at latest follow-up point & crude survival rate based on all patients
  3. c: Results reported by patient number on entry to trial i.e. intention to treat
  4. d: Oxford Hip Score
  5. NR: Not Reported