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Table 2 Perceived benefits for care-recipients

From: Why carers use adult day respite: a mixed method case study

Since starting respite care does/is your relative:




Count (%)

Count (%)

Count (%)

Physically active within the limits of their age and illness?

28 (56)

16 (32)

6 (12)

Interested in friends and daily activities

33 (66)

15 (30)

2 (4)

In good spirits most of the time

32 (64)

18 (36)

0 (0)

Preferring to stay home rather than going out

11 (22)

26 (52)

13 (26)

Able to remember things

9 (18)

27 (54)

14 (28)

Worried about the future

3 (6)

38 (76)

9 (18)

Restless during the daytime

5 (10)

35 (70)

10 (20)

Restless during the night-time

1 (2)

46 (92)

2 (4)

Taking care of own personal hygiene

8 (16)

37 (74)

5 (10)

Helping with chores

8 (16)

29 (58)

13 (26)

Dressing without assistance

2 (4)

40 (80)

8 (16)


1 (2)

36 (72)

13 (26)

Having solid sleep

6 (12)


5 (10)

Socially interactive with yourself or others

28 (56)

20 (40)

2 (4)