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Table 3 ANOVA test of the statements included in the cluster analysis

From: Exploring consumers’ attitudes towards informal patient payments using the combined method of cluster and multinomial regression analysis - the case of Hungary







mean (sd)

mean (sd)

mean (sd)

F (p)

I will feel UNCOMFORTABLE if I leave the physician's office without a gratitude cash payment or gift in kind

0.68 (0.82)

0.49 (0.76)

0.20 (0.51)

33.93 (0.000)

I would RECOGNISE the hint of physicians or medical staff for an informal cash payment or a gift in kind.

1.53 (0.70)

1.60 (0.66)

1.37 (0.79)

8.40 (0.000)

I will REFUSE to pay if a physician or medical staff ask me to pay informally for a medical service.

0.86 (0.84)

1.30 (0.80)

1.50 (0.76)

49.81 (0.000)

I will PREFER to use private medical services if I have to pay informally for public medical services.

0.66 (0.80)

1.77 (0.45)

0.34 (0.57)

449.50 (0.000)

If I have SERIOUS PROBLEMS with my health, I will be ready to pay as much as I have in order to get better medical services.

1.61 (0.64)

1.58 (0.62)

0.78 (0.74)

148.42 (0.000)

Informal CASH payments to physicians and medical staff are similar to corruption.

0.54 (0.62)

1.62 (0.53)

1.67 (0.55)

391.09 (0.000)

Gifts IN KIND to physicians and medical staff are similar to corruption.

0.26 (0.48)

1.15 (0.79)

1.28 (0.78)

195.03 (0.000)

Informal CASH payments to physicians and medical staff are an expression of gratitude.

1.61 (0.59)

0.78 (0.73)

0.55 (0.64)

224.37 (0.000)

Gifts IN KIND to physicians and medical staff are an expression of gratitude.

1.80 (0.45)

1.23 (0.72)

0.89 (0.72)

160.73 (0.000)

Informal cash payments and gifts in kind to physicians and medical staff are INEVITABLE because of the low funding of the health care sector.

1.30 (0.73)

0.85 (0.83)

0.52 (0.71)

80.67 (0.000)

Cash or gifts in kind, given informally to physicians and medical staff, should be ERADICATED.

0.76 (0.72)

1.66 (0.57)

1.70 (0.56)

226.10 (0.000)