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Table 2 Issues identified by clinicians and how integrated into Delphi questionnaire

From: Developing content for a process-of-care checklist for use in intensive care units: a dual-method approach to establishing construct validity

Issue identified


Presence of policy documents on nutritional support, prevention of venous thromboembolism, prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and need to align checklist items with these policies

Policy documents reviewed and factored into development of checklist statements to ensure consistency between the two

Sit out of bed managed by nursing staff and physiotherapists

Sit out of bed checklist item excluded

Checking the length of time since insertion of intravascular lines redundant due to unit policy (i.e. catheters left in place as long as clinically indicated), nursing prompt card (age of lines, dressings & site), & concurrent quality improvement project targeting improved insertion and care of central lines [27]

Checking the length of time since insertion of intravascular lines excluded

All medications should be reviewed on the morning round, not just antibiotics

Changed ‘review of antibiotics’ to ‘review of all medications’

Checking microbiology reports done in conjunction with the review of medications, so doesn’t need to be a separate item on the checklist

Checking microbiology reports excluded

Head-of-bed elevation for ventilated patients important to review by both medical and nursing – retain on checklist

Head-of-bed elevation retained

Assessing responsiveness of sedated patients an important aspect of medical rounds and needs to be retained

Assessing responsiveness of sedated patients retained

Pressure ulcer prevention managed by nursing staff, an item on the nursing prompt card

Pressure ulcer prevention excluded