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Table 4 Issues related to health service encounters raised by chronically ill patients, and suggestions of patients, carers and health care professionals for overcoming them

From: A patient-centred approach to health service delivery: improving health outcomes for people with chronic illness

Challenges raised by participants

Patients’ and carers’ suggestions

HCP suggestions and solutions

•Communication and delivery of information


Inadequate explanation of illness, prescribed medication and side effects

HCPs provide patients with a written care plan in plain language

Improvement of health literacy

Confusing and conflicting information provided

Professional organisations endorse guidelines

Better communication between different professional groups

Practical examples of appropriate diets and concepts not provided (e.g., Glycemic Index)



Lectures given by HCPs seem pointless

More interactive learning experiences such as support groups

Improved communication between patients and HCPs

No explanation given about the side effects of medication


Enhanced information technology infrastructure

No help provided in accessing internet


Enhanced information technology infrastructure

CALD participants want information in their own language

GPs increase their awareness of cultural issues and exercise care in providing information to CALD patients

Improved communication between professionals and CALD groups

HCP seen as inflexible and unaccommodating


Need to improve accountability between service providers

Outdated information about disease management


Enhanced information technology infrastructure

Insufficient information about community resources provided

Provide access to relevant data bases

Better co-ordination of care

Poor communication by interns

Improved supervision by specialists before diagnosing conditions with a poor prognosis such as cancer

Need to improve accountability between service providers

•Organisation of service delivery and waiting time to see HCP’s


Arranging appointments in urgent situations

On call doctors to give information and directions

Need to reduce communication gaps

Arranging appointments when new symptoms appear

Electronic booking systems

Enhanced electronic infrastructure

Long waiting time to make appointments and delays in seeing HCPs

Phone or SMS patients to inform them of possible delays

Need to reduce communication gaps

Inflexible appointment times

Greater flexibility


Rigid eligibility criteria which exclude some people from inpatient or outpatient care

Revision of eligibility criteria of services to ensure they cover patients at different states of disease

Need to improve communication between various service providers

•Facilitation of self care


Insufficient support for self-care



Insufficient written information about what to do in different conditions

Handbooks and disease specific information packages

Enhanced communication

Insufficient follow up and monitoring of patient’s condition as well as new symptoms

GP’s and case coordinators follow up, from hospital or private health insurance

Need to improve co-ordination of care by service providers

•Single illness focus


GPs and specialist focus only on the immediate symptoms and conditions

Holistic approach to patient’s conditions with careful review of medical history

Need to improve fragmentation of services

•Inclusion of patients and carers in decision making


Lack of trust in patient’s knowledge and understanding of signs and symptoms


Need to improve health literacy

Patients don’t feel hopeful and motivated about the future

Provide up to date information and review of the latest developments in lay language

Need to improve patients’ focus on management of conditions

Failure to ask patients about their tolerance of available treatments


Be sure to ask patients about any tolerance or compliance issues before prescribing medications

  1. HCP: Health Care Professional, NS: No suggestion, CALD: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse.