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Table 2 Interest, experience or confidence on the 10 Research spider tasks according to percentage of respondents

From: Factors influencing research engagement: research interest, confidence and experience in an Australian speech-language pathology workforce



Respondent ratings n (%)







Finding relevant literature

0 (0%)

3 (2%)

15 (11%)

56 (41%)

63 (46%)

Critically reviewing literature

1 (1%)

11 (8%)

39 (28%)

42 (31%)

44 (32%)

Generating research ideas

0 (0%)

18 (13%)

44 (32%)

38 (28%)

37 (27%)

Writing a research proposal

14 (10%)

25 (18%)

48 (35%)

29 (21%)

21 (15%)

Using quantitative research methods

7 (5%)

29 (21%)

49 (36%)

32 (23%)

20 (15%)

Using qualitative research methods

6 (4%)

27 (20%)

46 (34%)

37 (27%)

21 (15%)

Applying for research funding

19 (14%)

28 (20%)

38 (28%)

26 (19%)

26 (19%)

Analysing and interpreting results

5 (4%)

22 (16%)

47 (34%)

36 (26%)

27 (20%)

Writing and presenting an oral report

14 (10%)

28 (20%)

37 (27%)

35 (26%)

23 (17%)

Writing and publishing research

18 (13%)

26 (19%)

35 (26%)

29 (21%)

29 (21%)


Finding relevant literature

0 (0%)

6 (4%)

46 (34%)

68 (50%)

17 (12%)

Critically reviewing literature

1 (1%)

30 (22%)

55 (40%)

41 (30%)

10 (7%)

Generating research ideas

19 (14%)

50 (36%)

41 (30%)

20 (15%)

7 (5%)

Writing a research proposal

59 (43%)

36 (26%)

30 (22%)

12 (9%)

0 (0%)

Using quantitative research methods

32 (23%)

51 (37%)

40 (29%)

14 (10%)

0 (0%)

Using qualitative research methods

28 (20%)

54 (39%)

36 (26%)

17 (12%)

2 (1%)

Applying for research funding

83 (61%)

26 (19%)

19 (14%)

9 (7%)

0 (0%)

Analysing and interpreting results

28 (20%)

45 (33%)

44 (32%)

19 (14%)

1 (1%)

Writing and presenting an oral report

51 (37%)

34 (25%)

30 (22%)

18 (13%)

4 (3%)

Writing and publishing research

75 (55%)

30 (22%)

22 (16%)

10 (7%)

0 (0%)


Finding relevant literature

0 (0%)

13 (9%)

54 (39%)

55 (40%)

15 (11%)

Critically reviewing literature

2 (1%)

33 (24%)

55 (40%)

37 (27%)

10 (7%)

Generating research ideas

12 (9%)

54 (39%)

42 (31%)

23 (17%)

6 (4%)

Writing a research proposal

48 (35%)

50 (36%)

27 (20%)

11 (8%)

1 (1%)

Using quantitative research methods

37 (27%)

52 (38%)

34 (25%)

13 (9%)

1 (1%)

Using qualitative research methods

30 (22%)

53 (39%)

35 (26%)

15 (11%)

4 (3%)

Applying for research funding

63 (46%)

45 (33%)

21 (15%)

8 (6%)

0 (0%)

Analysing and interpreting results

28 (20%)

46 (34%)

45 (33%)

15 (11%)

3 (2%)

Writing and presenting an oral report

42 (31%)

38 (28%)

35 (26%)

19 (14%)

3 (2%)


Writing and publishing research

59 (43%)

41 (30%)

26 (19%)

10 (7%)

1 (1%)