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Table 1 Definition of responsiveness domains by WHO

From: Testing the WHO responsiveness concept in the Iranian mental healthcare system: a qualitative study of service users




being shown respect

having physical examinations conducted in privacy


being involved in deciding on your care or treatment if you want to

having providers ask your permission before starting treatment or tests


having conversations with healthcare providers where other people cannot overhear

having your medical history kept confidential

Clear communication

having healthcare providers listen to you carefully

having healthcare providers explain things so you can understand

giving patients and family time to ask healthcare providers questions

Prompt attention

getting care as soon as wanted

having short waiting times for tests

Access to social support networks

being able to have family and friends bring personally preferred foods, and other things to the hospital during the hospital stay

being able to observe social and religious practices during hospital stay

access to newspapers and TV

interacting with family and friends during hospital stay

Choice of healthcare provider

being able to see a healthcare provider you are happy with

being able to choose the institution to provide your health care

Quality of basic


having enough space, seating and fresh air in the waiting room or wards,

having a clean facility

  1. Source: Valentine 2003