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Table 6 Example of a proposed indicators for core preventive activities at the secondary prevention level

From: Core indicators evaluation of effectiveness of HIV-AIDS preventive-control programmes carried out by nongovernmental organizations. A mixed method study



Indicator description

Method of Data collection

Data Collection Frequency

Monitoring of various media outlets that announce the availability of the test

Number of media outlets announcing the rapid testing/Total number of media outlets used by the association


12 months

Monitoring of the number of advertisements broadcasted

Number of rapid testing advertisements per month


12 months

Monitoring number of hours of testing per week

Number of hours of testing per week/Total number of hours of activity per week


12 months

Availability of equipment and appropriate conditions to conduct rapid testing

Availability of equipment and appropriate conditions to conduct rapid testing

Direct observation

6 months

Availability of personnel trained in giving HIV/AIDS prevention advice personal

Number of professionals trained to give advice regarding rapid testing/Number of professionals that give advice


12 months

Monitoring of the number of educational materials distributed

Number of educational materials about rapid testing distributed each month


12 months

Monitoring of the number of meetings and continuing education of personnel that conduct rapid testing

Number of coordination meetings and continuing education between professionals that conduct rapid testing in order to share experiences (analysis of cases, difficulties...)


12 months


Indicator description

Method of Data collection

Data Collection Frequency

Monitoring of costs to NGOs in promoting rapid testing and the number of applications received

Total costs in the promotion of rapid testing and the number of applications received


12 months

Monitoring of individuals that solicit appointments for HIV or syphilis rapid testing

Number of individuals that solicit appointments for HIV or syphilis rapid testing, according to sex, age, marital status, and place of origin


12 months

Monitoring of the number of users that have appointments and come for rapid HIV testing

Number of users that have an appointment and finally come to get tested


12 months

Monitoring of individuals attended in pre-test, according to sex, age, marital status, sexual preference and place of origin

Number of individuals that are tested, according to sex, age, marital status and place of origin


12 months

Monitoring of tests conducted per month

Total number of rapid tests conducted per month


12 months

Monitoring of condoms distributed in CSW.

Number of condoms distributed monthly to people that receive rapid testing


12 months

Monitoring of the number of rapid testing referrals

Number of people referred to other associations for rapid testing


12 months

Monitoring of individuals that return to collect syphilis test results

Number of individuals that return to collect syphilis test results/Total number of individuals that are tested for syphilis


12 months

Monitoring of individuals that return to collect HIV test results

Number of individuals that return to collect an HIV test results/Total number of individuals that are tested for HIV


12 months

Monitoring of positive syphilis test results

Number of individuals with a positive syphilis test result/Number of individuals that return to collect syphilis test results


12 months

Monitoring of positive HIV test results

Total number of users with a positive HIV test result/Number of users that return to collect an HIV test results


12 months

Level of satisfaction with the services

Number of rapid test service users that have responded to the satisfaction questionnaire and have high, moderate or low satisfaction/Total number of rapid test service users

Users service questionnaire

12 months