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Table 2 Study Scheduler Script for Incoming Calls

From: Design and methods for a randomized clinical trial comparing three outreach efforts to improve screening mammography adherence

1. Confirm eligibility.

2. Obtain verbal consent for the baseline survey.

3. Stage the subject if the subject is unsure about scheduling, using Tables 3 and 4.

4. Schedule the mammogram. If the appointment is <= 24 months from the prior mammogram, reaffirm the importance of keeping on a 12-24 month interval schedule, and remind her to keep the appointment.

5. If a woman wants to schedule or confirm an appointment that is inappropriately far in the future, deliver a brief message reminding the woman that Fallon PCPs recommend mammograms every 12-24 months as the best way to find curable breast cancers. Offer to schedule at a more appropriate interval.

6. Administer the brief baseline survey questions that has 6 socio-demographic questions about ethnicity/race, educational level, working status, smoking, marital and income status.