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Table 1 Main components of the standard training protocol in the use of CCTVs.

From: Effects of standard training in the use of closed-circuit televisions in visually impaired adults: design of a training protocol and a randomized controlled trial



Elements - Ergonomics

- Position of CCTV in the room

- Posture for working with CCTV

- Height of CCTV and working distance

Elements - Basic operation instructions

- On/off switch

- Magnification

- Image contrast

- Position of lights and camera

- X-Y table and basic tracking skills

Elements - Reading (different materials)

- Basic reading assignments (e.g. reading words/small sentences)

- Newspapers, books, magazines, postcards, medicine bottles etc.

Elements - Watching pictures

- Pictures and photographs with different pixel amounts

Elements - Writing (different materials)

- Basic writing assignments (e.g. drawing crosses in boxes)

- Virgin and zoned paper, cheques, forms

Elements - Hobbies and other CCTV skills

- Interests and hobbies of the patients are discussed and practiced (e.g. painting, fiddling, sewing, drawing etc.)

Applied techniques

- Hands on training

- Easy-to-difficult strategy

Number of sessions

- Variable, adjusted to the individual patients need


- Once a week


- Sixty minutes per session


- Face-to-face


- Patients' home environment