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Table 1 CFIR and RE-AIM Domains, constructs and definitions

From: Implementation and scaling-up of an effective mHealth intervention to increase adherence to triage of HPV-positive women (ATICA study): perceptions of health decision-makers and health-care providers

CFIR Domains



I. Intervention characteristics

Intervention Source

The legitimacy of ATICA as an intervention external to the institution to which the HCPs and decision-makers belong. Legitimacy of the institutions to lead the implementation and adoption of the intervention.

Relative advantage

The advantage of implementing ATICA versus an alternative solution and/or current usual practices.


The degree to which the ATICA components can be adapted or refined to meet local needs.


The perceived difficulty of the intervention.

Design quality

Perceived excellence in how the intervention was bundled, presented, and assembled.

Cost and resources

The costs of the intervention and costs associated with its implementation, including investment, supply and opportunity costs.

II. Outer Setting

Patient needs and resources

The perception of the degree to which ATICA responds to the patients’ needs.

External policies and incentives

Strategies to promote ATICA through policies and regulations.

III. Inner Setting

Access to knowledge and information

Ease of access to information and knowledge about the intervention and how to incorporate it into work tasks.

Implementation climate


The compatibility of ATICA with the norms, values, and existing workflows and systems.

Relative priority

The individuals’ shared perception of the importance of the ATICA implementation within the institution.

Readiness for Implementation

Leadership engagement

Commitment, involvement, and accountability of health authorities with regard to the ATICA implementation.

IV. Characteristics of Individuals

Knowledge and beliefs about the intervention.

Knowledge and attitudes regarding the ATICA strategy.

RE-AIM Dimension


The extent to which a program or policy becomes institutionalized or part of the routine organization practices and policies.

  1. Own elaboration based on an adaptation of Damschroder [25] and Glasgow [29]