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Table 1 Characteristics of the interviewees

From: Primary care patients’ experiences of video consultations for depression and anxiety: a qualitative interview study embedded in a randomized feasibility trial


N = 20


 Mean (SDa)

45.3 (16.3)

 Median [Min, Max]

48.0 [22.0, 72.0]

Gender, n (%)


13 (65.0%)


7 (35.0%)

Country of origin, n (%)


18 (90.0%)


2 (10.0%)

Marital status, n (%)


4 (20.0%)

 In a partnership

16 (80.0%)

Education level, n (%)

 9 years or less

5 (25.0%)

 More than 9 years

14 (70.0%)


1 (5.0%)

Employment status, n (%)


12 (60.0%)

 On sick leave

3 (15.0%)


3 (15.0%)


1 (5.0%)


1 (5.0%)

Level of depressive symptoms (PHQ-9b)


1 (5.0%)


3 (15.0%)


12 (60.0%)


4 (20.0%)

Level of generalized anxiety (GAD-7c)


1 (5.0%)


9 (45.0%)


8 (40.0%)


1 (5.0%)


1 (5.0%)

Current psychiatric treatment/psychotherapy


17 (85.0%)


3 (15.0%)

Current psychopharmacological treatment


13 (65.0%)


7 (35.0%)

  1. aSD Standard deviation; bPHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire 9; cGAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7