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Table 1 Proportion of patients following different sequences of breast cancer clinic diagnostic activities

From: An exploratory assessment of the impact of a novel risk assessment test on breast cancer clinic waiting times and workflow: a discrete event simulation model

Sequence of clinic activities undertaken

Patients without breast cancer

Patients with breast cancer


1) Mammogram only

2) Mammogram and ultrasounda

3) Mammogram, Ultrasound and biopsya

4) Ultrasound only

5) Ultrasound and mammograma

6) Ultrasound, mammogram and biopsya

7) Ultrasound and biopsy

8) Biopsy only

9) Mammogram and biopsy

Fixed proportions: 1) 0.012766

2) 0.272533

3) 0.035168

4) 0.394921

5) 0.181688

6) 0.023445

7) 0.060947

8) 0.017845

9) 0.000686

Fixed proportions:

1) 0.005525

2) 0.038122

3) 0.510497

4) 0.013812

5) 0.025414

6) 0.340331

7) 0.035912

8) 0.027624

9) 0.002762

LTHT electronic health record and Leeds PLICs data extract for 2018/19.

Data included N = 362 patients diagnosed with breast cancer vs. N = 7,285 patients not diagnosed with breast cancer b.

  1. aFor pathways involving mammogram and ultrasound, the proportion undergoing mammogram first was set to 60%, vs. 40% for ultrasound first in the model, based on expert clinical opinion.
  2. bCases listed under the heading ‘other’ in this data extract [N = 125 in total] were excluded from this analysis.
  3. PLICS = Patient Level Information and Costing System