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Table 2 Results of the assessment of the existing health data sources for T2D care

From: Development and operationalization of a data framework to assess quality of integrated diabetes care in the fragmented data landscape of Belgium


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(part of project)








Health Interview survey (HIS)a

Sciensano (Belgian Institute for Health)

Repeated cross-sectional: every 4 years since 1997

Representative sample of the Belgian population

(N = +/−10,000 respondents)

medication use, health care use and costs, health behavior (physical activity, diet, smoking, alcohol), BMI, diagnostic information

-Representative for the population

-Extensive lifestyle and sociodemographic info

-Small numbers of T2D patients (6,2%)

-Self-reported data, recall bias

-Selection and sample bias

-The most severe and institutionalized patients are excluded

-Time lag: data of 2018 was available in 2021

-Cross-sectional data

-No clinical data

-No information about type of GP-practice

Belgian Health Examination study (BELHES)b



Representative subsample of the HIS (N = +/1200 respondents)

blood and urine test, blood pressure measure, BMI

-Clinical data

-Can be linked to HIS data

-Small sample

(+ same limitations HIS data)


Sentinel Network of General Practitioners (surveillance network)c

A network of Registered GPs, coordinated by Sciensano

Longitudinal: since 1979

Periodic modules to monitor one or more specific illness problems

A network of 125 practices (their patient population covers 1–1,5% of the Belgian population)

sociodemographics, treatment and morbidity data

-Representative for Belgian GP workforce

-Able to study the evolution and epidemiology of certain diseases

-Quality of data strongly depends on the reporting quality of GPs

-The most recent T2D module was in 2010


Belgian Diabetes Register d

Diabetes Liga

Longitudinal: since 1997

New patients < 40 years old diagnosed with T1D

sociodemographics, clinical data

-Clinical data


-Only T1D patients (not the target population of this study)

IQED: Initiative for Quality Improvement & Epidemiology in Diabetes e

Hospital based data requested by Sciensano for audit (Surveillance of the convention for diabetes self-regulation)

Repeated cross-sectional retrospective study design (every 18 months): since 2001

Patients in a diabetes care trajectory: +/−  100 diabetic centres treated +/−  120,000 patients

-each time 10% of the population is sampled

clinical hospital data, socio-demographics, type of diabetes and complications, diabetes treatment, health examination data

-Clinical data

-Focus on quality indicators

-Based on principles of DiabCare

-Only type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients treated with 2 or more insulin injections per day (only a small part of the target population of this study)


Patients records f

GPs in their practices


period depends on GP-practice

Patient-population of GP

Depending on GP

(diagnostic info, health services, medication, health behavior, severity of diseases, comorbidities, familial anamnesis, RISC score, ….)

-Data can be very comprehensive (BMI, blood pressure, waist circumcise, smoking behavior, etc.)

-Diagnostic, health care use, medication prescription and clinical data (GPs have easily access to the lab data of their patients)

-Several software systems: no standardized way of registration

-Low reporting quality & large differences between practices

-Difficult & time-consuming to extract the data (a lot of efforts for GPs and in particular if there is no administrative staff)

-Data is not centralized

Primary care registry based on patient records

(Electronic Health Record)

Intego datag Computerized morbidity registration network of participating practices.


since 1999

Patient population of +/− 50 participating practices

Morbidity in primary care; diagnostic data, sociodemographic data, health care and medication data.

The data is aimed to perform audits of the primary care.

-Representative for Flemish population

-A lot of diagnostic and clinical longitudinal data

-Large number of patients

-Currently Intego is in a transition phase and Medidoc (the software) does not longer exist: as a result no recent data is available

-Quality of data depends on coding behaviour of clinicians and there is a lot of variation therein between GPs

-Data from specialists as well as events that occur in hospital are not fully captured

HEALTH CLAIMS DATA (administrative)

Databases of the Intermutualistic Agency (IMA)h: Population database, Health care data &Pharmanet

gathered from the seven Belgian health insurance funds that manage compulsory health insurance


Entire insured Population data (> 99% of the population)

sociodemographic data, health care and costs data, medication data (all reimbursed medication and health services), hospital visits (duration), etc.

-inexpensive compared to original data collections

-population data

- detailed health care data

-Continuously collected

-Standardized data registration

-Linkage based on a unique identifier number is possible

-Previously used in research on chronic care

-Not collected and designed for scientific purposes: not structured in readily available variables for analyses,

-Lack of clinical and diagnostic information

-No information about health behavior, BMI, etc.

-Time lag: data is available in February year X of Year X – 2


Data of the Medical laboratories

Laboratories (on request of GPs and specialists)

Depending on the lab

Each lab covers the patient population of several GPs/specialists/ hospitals

Clinical information (type and result value of test)

-Data extraction and linkage based on a unique identifier number is possible

-Longitudinal data

-Comprehensive clinical information

-Only clinical information

−+/− 70 accredited labs

-Several Lab information systems (LIS)

  1. Sources: a; b; c; e;f;g; h