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Table 3 Strategies for changing behavior before needing health services

From: A systematic review of strategies used for controlling consumer moral hazard in health systems





Outcome variables

Development of incentive insurance programs

[10, 15, 27, 30, 39, 42, 59, 69, 76, 77, 79]

Extending preventive care insurance

- Proposing insurance coverage for preventive care

- Separating insurance coverage for prevention and treatment

- To encourage insureds to use more secondary preventive care

- Improving perception of health status through secondary preventive care

- Health services utilization

- Health costs

- Risk-reducing behaviors

- Choice of expensive health services health

Development of bonus oriented insurance

- Adjusted premiums according level of preventive effort

- Premium reduction, bonus payments/ rebate insurance /to encourage non-use or limited use in return for next premium reduction, risk adjustment .no-claims bonus, risk rating premium

- No-claim Bonus and Coverage Upper Bound


Community empowerment [23]

Community education

- Health promotion education

- Civic education about the consequences of unnecessary use of health services

- Not evaluated