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Table 3 Aspects of the goal-oriented approach perceived to be facilitating and inhibiting continuity

From: Continuity of care for older adults in a Canadian long-term care setting: a qualitative study




Informational Continuity

• Goals of care discussions ensured resident, care team, and family were on the same page

• Care conferences created awareness for residents of their care options

• Consistency in where SeeMe assessment information is stored

• Residents lacked awareness of SeeMe program

• Care conference agenda caused confusion

Relational Continuity

• Incorporating a resident’s values and preferences formed a holistic understanding of a resident

• Staff increased awareness of the program for families

• Integrating the family’s perspective into a resident’s care

• Relying on family involvement when family was not available

Management Continuity

• SeeMe program discussions facilitated informed care preference decisions

• SeeMe assessments acted as reference tool in case of acute health event

• Goals of care discussions empowered residents and family members to talk to external healthcare providers

• Structure of the SeeMe program facilitated consistency in care being provided

• Wait time until residents attended their first care conference was too long

• Family members faced difficulties making decisions