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Table 2 Mean number of activities generated in the following 2 years by each new cancer patient. aFirst consultations are excluded. Numbers are indicated with mean, standard deviation (SD) and total number of events (E)

From: Analysis of workload generated in the two years following first consultation by each new cancer patient: studying the past to plan the future of cancer care

Total pts 7452

Total Mean (SD)

Total N of visits

Mean Number of Oncology Activities (sum)


E 85,338a


Pre-treatment visits

5.99 (8.75)

E 45,095


Follow up visits

1.93 (1.86)

E 15,001



1.60 (1.27)

E 11,753


Urgencies/Unplanned presentations

1.01 (2.15)

E 7,631



0.42 (1.20)

E 3,146


Inpatient Oncology advice

0.36 (0.83)

E 2,712
