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Table 3 Rotated component matrix – patients’ satisfaction and expectation

From: Gaps in expectations and current practices of pharmacy services among doctors and patients – an exploratory study in a Sri Lankan tertiary care hospital providing free healthcare

Labeling of components













Component 1 - Patients’ expectation to gain detailed information on their medication from the pharmacists

I expect pharmacists to check my prescriptions for medication related problems before dispensing the medication.



I expect pharmacists to tell me the name and strength of each medication



I expect pharmacists to tell me the names of each medication and what they are used for.



I expect pharmacists to give me instructions in a language preferred by me.



Component 2 - Patients’ satisfaction on medication labeling information currently given by the pharmacists

I am satisfied with the written label information given by pharmacists on how to use medications




I am satisfied with the readability of label instructions given by pharmacists




I am satisfied with the understandability of label instructions given by pharmacists




Component 3 - Patients’ expectation to resolve their queries on medication with the pharmacists

I expect pharmacists to give me verbal instructions on how to take my medications in addition to written label.




I expect pharmacists to warn me of any possible side effects and how to prevent it




I expect pharmacists to help clarify my questions related to medications




I expect pharmacists give me trusted information on the use of medications




Component 4 - Patients’ trust and satisfaction on the current procedure of dispensing medication by the pharmacists

I am satisfied with the questions asked by pharmacists before dispensing medications like name of the patient, any history of previous drug allergy, disease details, etc.




I am satisfied with the privacy maintained by pharmacists while discussing and dispensing medication




I am satisfied with the level of knowledge that pharmacists possess in medication related issues




Component 5 - Satisfaction and perception of patients on professional relationship of pharmacists with patients

I do not consider pharmacists as a mere dispenser of medications




I am satisfied with the kind of responses pharmacists provide for questions I ask about my medications




I am satisfied with the duration of time spend by pharmacists with each patient




I am satisfied with the relationship that pharmacists try to maintain with the patients




Component 6 – Patient satisfaction on safety and quality of dispensed medications

I am satisfied about the safety of medications dispensed by pharmacists




I am satisfied with the quality of the medications dispensed by pharmacists




Component 7 - Patient perception on the role of pharmacists in healthcare system

I consider pharmacists as experts in matters related to medications.




I consider pharmacists as an integral part of the healthcare system like doctors and nurses.




Component 8 - Satisfaction of patients on the available facilities in the pharmacy

I am satisfied with the number of pharmacists and number of counters available to dispense the medications




I am satisfied with available facilities in the pharmacy waiting area for patients




I am satisfied about the time spent at the pharmacy for obtaining medications




Component 9 - Patients’ satisfaction on detailed information provided by the pharmacist on medications and other health issues

I am satisfied with the kind of information pharmacists provide on disease and other health issues along with information on drugs




I am satisfied with the information pharmacists give me on name of the medication and what it is used for




Component 10 - Patients’ satisfaction on verbal information of medications given by pharmacists while dispensing

I am satisfied with the information given by pharmacists when there is a change in medications or doses in my prescription.



I am satisfied with the verbal information given by pharmacists on how to use medications



I am satisfied with the accuracy of information given by pharmacists



  1. Extraction method - Principal Component Analysis
  2. Rotation method - Varimax with Kaiser normalization