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Table 3 Details of infertility screening and diagnostic services in public facilities and private clinics, and overall (n = 38)

From: Availability of services for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in The Gambia`s public and private health facilities: a cross-sectional survey


Public facilities

(n = 20; 53%)

Private clinics

(n = 18; 47%)

TOTAL (n = 38; 100%)

No screening and diagnostic services

7 (35%)

6 (33%)

13 (34%)

Screening and/or diagnostic servicesa

13 (65%)

12 (67%)

25 (66%)

Screening/diagnostic (general)

 Fertility history-taking

12 (60%)

12 (67%)

24 (63%)

 Physical examination (female)

12 (60%)

11 (61%)

23 (61%)

 Physical examination (male)

11 (55%)

11 (61%)

22 (58%)

Screening (female)


12 (60%)

12 (67%)

24 (63%)


12 (60%)

10 (56%)

22 (58%)


12 (60%)

6 (33%)

18 (47%)

 Visual inspection w/ acetic acid

7 (35%)

5 (28%)

12 (32%)

 Smear test

5 (25%)

5 (28%)

10 (26%)

Screening (male)


11 (55%)

11 (61%)

22 (58%)


12 (60%)

9 (50%)

21 (55%)


11 (55%)

6 (33%)

17 (45%)

Diagnostic testing (female)

 Ultrasound (pelvic)

8 (40%)

10 (56%)

18 (47%)

 Hormonal profile

0 (0%)

8 (44%)

8 (21%)

 Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

1 (5%)

7 (39%)

8 (21%)

 Sonohysterosalpingogram (SHG)

1 (5%)

3 (17%)

4 (11%)

Diagnostic testing (male)

 Semen analysis

7 (35%)

9 (50%)

16 (42%)

  1. a Clinics can offer more than one type of services