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Table 1 Assumptions of the analysis

From: Cost-effectiveness of a whole-area testing pilot of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections with lateral flow devices: a modelling and economic analysis study

A summary of the assumptions underlying the model is provided below

1. All infected persons are equality infectious irrespective of age, gender, demographic variables, etc

2. Infectability of asymptomatic cases are 58% of symptomatic cases [18]

3. The number of infections created by an infectious person is determined by the Rt value on the day of their LFD positive test result

4. The daily count of new infections arising from infectious persons is a fixed Log Normal distribution with a median of 5 days and up to 14 days long [19]

5. An infectious person became infectious 5 days before the LFD positive test result and up to 9 days after (14 days in total). Only infections taking place after the LFD positive test are considered preventable

6. All infected persons not exhibiting symptoms will not self-isolate, therefore will contribute to subsequent infections

7. Most persons exhibiting symptoms will self-isolate, but some will still contribute to secondary transmission (each symptomatic case will contribute 0.2 secondary cases in contacts)

8. The proportion of positive cases that will develop symptoms remains constant (0.44) [20]

9. All cases reported asymptomatic are truly asymptomatic

10. All positive LFD tests with confirmatory PCR test are true positives

11. Of the positive LFD tests without confirmatory PCR test, a fixed proportion will be true positives (0.98)