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Table 3 Positive influences on decision to vaccinate

From: Knowledge and decisions about maternal immunisation by pregnant women in Aotearoa New Zealand

Theme (n)

Comment and example quotes

Being well-informed is important

(n = 6)

For some participants, being adequately informed about vaccinations was enough to decide to be vaccinated.

“…I read all the information, also my doctor explain[ed] to me what this means. And I’m OK. I’m ok to do it.” [P3]

“I wasn’t going to, but when I got more information on it [from the midwife], I decided it would be better for my baby… I actually wasn’t going to get it and then I decided that I should.” [P7]

Clear recommendations have impact

(n = 8)

A third of participants decided to get vaccinated because it was recommended by their GP or midwife. Three participants were positively influenced by their family or friends. A couple of the participants were recommended and offered influenza vaccination through their place of work.

“Midwife they tell me to do that thing [get vaccinated].” [P3]

“It was my partner’s aunty actually [that told her about vaccination]. So, I just booked an appointment with the doctor.” [P5]

“I did have the flu vaccine though. That’s only because we are offered it through work. But otherwise out of work, I don’t know.” [P8]

Understanding protective benefits

(n = 11)

Seven participants decided to vaccinate to ensure their baby was healthy. Four participants wanted to get vaccinated for their own health and safety.

“I decided it would be better for my baby… the health of my baby.” [P7]

“For baby, and also for the mum as well.” [P3]