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Table 3 Multidisciplinary team meeting evaluation tools

From: Factors influencing the quality and functioning of oncological multidisciplinary team meetings: results of a systematic review

Name of Evaluation tool



Scoring domains


Multidisciplinary team maturity matrix


An annual member survey and a self-assessment tool to monitor team performance

5 domains are scored in 5 performance levels (basic to advanced, maximum matrix of 100 points)

Governance and leadership (including leadership, obligations of team members, decision-making, risk management)

Meeting organization and logistics (including logistics and representation, pre-meeting, at meeting, post-meeting)

Linkages and communication with general practitioners (GP’s) and patients (including access for GP’s, communication with GP’s (patients), information and education (general), patients)

Data collection, analysis and research (including data collection, monitoring and evaluation, data quality and system integration, research)

Infrastructure and human resources (including facilities and equipment, MDT co-ordination, care co-ordination, data management)

Evans L. et al., 2019 [29]

Team Evaluation and Assessment Measure


10 subdomains scored by observers each on a 10-point scale (1 very poor, 10 very good), including comments


Leadership and chairing,

Teamworking and culture,

Personal development and training,

Physical environment of meeting venue,

Technology and equipment availability,

Organization and administration,

Post-meeting co-ordination of services,

Patient-centered care,

Clinical decision making processes

Harris J. et al., 2014 [40]

Multidisciplinary team meeting observational tool


after adjustments MDT-MOT

3 domains of teamworking scored by observers each on a 5-point scale (1 very poor, 5 very good)


Leadership/chairing of the MDT meeting

Teamwork and culture

This tool was originally developed by Lamb B. et al., 2011 [52], adapted by Jalil R. et al., 2014 [46], Shah et al., 2014 [76] and lastly by Harris J. et al. 2016 [41]

Peer review framework


8 domains to assess MDT performance by peer-reviewers, scoring ‘under developed / developing / well developed’

Structure and governance

Membership and leadership

Meeting organization and support

Standards of care

Patient involvement

Quality assurance

Professional development

Financial governance

Johnson C. et al., 2017 [49]

Team evaluation and assessment measure


Multidisciplinary team self-assessment tool; survey with 47 items on 5 domains (17 subdomains) to be rated on 5-pont scale

Team (membership, attendance, leadership & chairing, teamworking & culture, Personal development & training)

Infrastructure of meetings (physical environment of meeting venue, technology & equipment)

Organization and administration for meetings (scheduling, preparation, prior to meetings, organization/administration during meeting, post-MDT meeting coordination of service)

Patient-centered clinical decision making (who to discuss?, patient-centered care, clinical decision making process)

Team governance (organization support, data collection, analysis & audit of outcomes, clinical governance)

Taylor C. et al., 2012 [85]

Multidisciplinary team observational assessment rating scale


4 domains with 15 aspects of MDT working scored by observers on a 4-point scale (very poor – very good)

Team (attendance, leadership; chairing, teamworking & culture, personal development & training)

Infrastructure for meetings (meeting venue, technology & equipment)

Meeting organization and logistics (preparation prior to meetings, organization/ administration during meetings)

Clinical decision making (patient centered care, treatment plans)

Characteristic of effective MDT-working (teamwork & culture)

Taylor C. et al., 2012 [84]