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Table 1 Grid for semi-directed interviews

From: Cancer and COVID-19: ethical issues concerning the use of telemedicine during the pandemic

1) Did you use teleconsultation during the COVID-19 pandemic?

2) What did you think of telemedicine before the COVID-19 pandemic?

3) Did you obtain informed consent from the patient? How did you do so? (Not just due to a simple fear of COVID-19 without awareness of the possible consequences of delayed treatment...)

4) What tools did you use for teleconsultation? Have you any suggestions for their improvement? Are you aware of other tools used in this practice?

5) Did you encounter any technical difficulties?

6) Did you have to deal with any patients refusing to attend a consultation in person?

7) What are the principal difficulties encountered in establishing a correct diagnosis via teleconsultation?

8) Did any of your patients not have access to the necessary computing tools for teleconsultation?

9) Did you have any contact with a third party (present with the patient) during a teleconsultation, with the explicit consent of the patient?

10) Did the patients mention any problems with telemedicine?

11) Did telemedicine help you in your daily practice? (diagnosis, prescription, follow-up)

12) What impact do you feel that telemedicine had on your doctor-patient relationship?

13)  What would you say are the advantages/disadvantages/limitations of telemedicine during the COVID-19 period?

14)  Do you think that telemedicine has a future in the world of oncology, and by extrapolation, medicine?

15)  Do you intend to continue using telemedicine even once the COVID-19 pandemic is over? How do you plan to do so? (right from the first consultation, for follow-up, alternation between teleconsultations and consultations in person)

16)  What is your opinion about possible progress in telemedicine and its contribution to the medical arsenal?

17)  Do you reserve telemedicine for certain indications/diseases?

18)  Do you have anything to add that was not included in this list or that you feel is relevant?