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Table 4 Interventions co-designed to address TDF domains (Including intervention functions and behaviour change techniques

From: Developing tailored theoretically informed goal-setting interventions for rehabilitation services: a co-design approach


Active goal-setting ingredient addressed

TDF domains addressed

Intervention Functions

Behaviour Change Technique

Staff Education and Training sessions

Interdisciplinary goal-setting

Shared decision-making

Specific and meaningful goal-setting

Action Planning, feedback and review


Beliefs about consequences

Social Role and Identity


Beliefs about capabilities

Social influences





Information about health consequence

Demonstration of the behaviour

Instruction on how to perform the behaviour

Behavioural practice/rehearsal

Framing and reframing

Self-monitoring of behaviour (audits)

Feedback on behaviour (audits)

Purpose: To enhance understanding of;

  → The difference between goals and actions,

  → How to frame long-term and short-term goals

  → Action plans and coping plans to achieve goals

  → Skills to facilitate SDM

  → How teams can work together to include the client

  → Using measurement tools and prompts


  → An introduction to goal-setting

  → Collaborative interdisciplinary goal-setting

  → Goal-setting and Action Planning

  → Motivational Interviewing

  → Goal-setting measures and tools

  → Talking Mats training online

Materials: Training manual, handouts, references and PowerPoint presentations, online resources

Keyworker model and workplace instruction

Interdisciplinary goal-setting

Shared decision-making

Specific and meaningful goal-setting

Action Planning, feedback and review


Environmental Context

Social Role and Identity

Environmental Restructure


Restructuring the social environment

Instruction on how to perform the behaviour

Purpose: To enhance client and family involvement in goal-setting and rehabilitation

Content: Workplace instruction providing description of role and responsibilities

Materials: Workplace instruction, orientation training

Case conference restructure

Interdisciplinary goal-setting

Specific and meaningful goal-setting

Action Planning, feedback and review

Environmental Context

Environmental Restructure


Restructuring the social environment (processes)

Framing and reframing

Prompts and cues

Purpose: To provide a framework for meaningful interdisciplinary goal-setting and action planning

Content: Background client information, current function, common goal focus, long term hope/dream goals, goals for the episode of care, weekly goals, client actions, staff actions and discharge planning

Materials: Electronic template to be pasted into medical records, chairing guidelines, workplace instructions defining roles and responsibilities of team members

Communication goal and action boards

Interdisciplinary goal-setting

Shared decision-making

Action Planning, feedback and review

Environmental Context

Environmental Restructure

Prompts and cues

Restructuring the physical environment

Purpose: To enhance client and family involvement in goal-setting and rehabilitation, to enhance the role of the nurse to support action planning

Content: Long term goals, goals for the episode of care, weekly/short term goals, client actions and estimated discharge dates

Materials: Paper copy

Client workbook

Shared decision-making

Specific and meaningful goal-setting

Action Planning, feedback and review





Information about health consequence

Instruction on how to perform the behaviour

Purpose: To enhance client knowledge and expectations, to provide a framework for staff to facilitate goal-setting


 → What is rehabilitation?

 → Why do I need rehabilitation? (fillable)

 → Who may I meet in rehabilitation?

 → Your rehabilitation service (tailorable)

 → What is a goal?

 → How do I set a goal? (tailorable templates)

Materials: Editable PDF, provided as hard copy to clients

Client Rehabilitation flyer

Shared decision-making

Specific and meaningful goal-setting



Information about health consequence

Purpose: To enhance client knowledge and expectations Content:

 → What is rehabilitation?

 → What is a goal?

 → Who may I meet in rehabilitation? (tailorable)

 → Available facilities (tailorable)

 → What to bring (tailorable)

 → Your rehabilitation routine (tailorable)

Materials: Editable PDF, provided as hard copy to clients