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Table 3 Comparison of ANC visits between two arms of the baseline and end-line participants, Northwest Ethiopia, January 2019–September 2020, n = 2224 (Baseline = 1162, End line = 1062)

From: Effectiveness of checklist-based box system intervention (CBBSI) versus routine care on improving utilization of antenatal care visits in Northwest Ethiopia: a cluster randomized controlled trial

ANC visits



Control clusters (n = 591)

Intervention Clusters (n = 571)

Control clusters (n = 555)

Intervention Clusters (n = 507)

No ANC visit

36 (6.1%)

33 (5.8%)

2 (0.4%)

2 (0.4%)

First ANC Visit

555 (92.9%)

538 (94.2%)

553 (99.6%)

505 (99.6%)

Second ANC visit

537 (90.8%)

492 (86.2%)

540 (97.3%)

502 (99.0%)

Third ANC Visit

172 (74.7%)

427 (74.8%)

437 (78.7%)

489 (96.4%)

Fourth ANC visits

270 (45.6%)

291 (50.9%)

297 (53.7%)

432 (85.2%)