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Table 3 Update of pre-existing diabetes quality indicators resulting from consensus process

From: Evidence-based indicators for the measurement of quality of primary care using health insurance claims data in Switzerland: update of the SQUIPRICA working group

Number of QI






Diabetes mellitus

Proportion of insured persons below the age of 76 with antidiabetic medication without statin medication receiving control of lipid values per year

Sum of insured persons with the Pharmacy Cost Group “diabetes mellitus” below the age of 76 without statin medication for which control of lipid values was reimbursed per year

Sum of insured persons with the Pharmacy Cost Group “diabetes mellitus” below the age of 76 without statin medication per year


Diabetes mellitus

Proportion of insured persons with antidiabetic medication without ACE or AT2 inhibitors receiving control of kidney values per year

Sum of insured persons with the Pharmacy Cost Group “diabetes mellitus” without ACE or AT2 inhibitors for which control of kidney values was reimbursed per year

Sum of insured persons with the Pharmacy Cost Group “diabetes mellitus” without ACE or AT2 inhibitors per year

  1. In bold: text added to the original definition. ACE angentensin converting enzyme; AT2: angiotensin 2 receptor